Making sails sustainable

There is a lot of talk about sustainability within the maritime industry, but how do we know that these claims are sensible, or just green-washing of unsustainable practices?

We have developed a working definition of Sustainable Sails, to help ordinary sailors, as well as regulators and policy makers to understand what we think should be the industry gold standard for sustainability.

This definition aims to give the industry something to work towards, which means sails becoming better for everyone. Our aim is that everyone builds sails which are:

  1. More durable.

  2. High performance, across their whole usable life.

  3. Have clear environmental impacts, which are publicly available.

  4. Have the lowest environmental impacts possible.

  5. Are fixable and recut-able, across their lifetime.

  6. Are recyclable at their end of life, to recover as much, if not all of the constituent chemistry.

If we aim for this, it means we can formally define sustainable sails as:

“Sails, for any size of vessel, which have the lowest environmental impact achievable across the product lifetime, while ensuring that these sails are durable, easy to fix and recut and have low, or no, drop in performance across their use-phase, while ensuring that these sails are easy to return to a fully circular economy at their end of life.”

Our Project Partners

This project fits into the UN sustainable Development goals framework

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Our Project funders